Wednesday, 3 August 2011

Are you still using a paper calendar?

When smartphones incorporated with easy to use calendar apps have become a norm these days, who needs a paper calendar!

These days most people have been won over by electronic calendars, but there could be a few who are still hovering between paper and smartphone-based calendar apps. A cloud based digital calendar can be accessed from anywhere, anytime. Obviously, you don’t enjoy the same advantage with a paper calendar. Perhaps the biggest drawback of using a paper calendar is that you have to write with a pencil or pen.

In the digital age, most people are more comfortable using the keypad or the keyboard. Wielding a pen is hardly as convenient. Of course, if something changes, you have to go through the inconvenience of erasing and updating the entries in the paper calendar.

In the unfortunate event of your paper calendar getting lost, your entire schedule for the coming week goes haywire. Now you can’t remember about the meetings that you are scheduled for tomorrow. Are there some urgent tasks left unfinished at office! On the personal side, are there any important errands to run? You are clueless about how you are going to spend your weekend. A paper calendar can also be damaged too easily.

Digital calendars, many of which can be accessed through a plethora of devices - smartphone, tablet or PC – are a convenient and a much safer option.

There is no dearth of those who swear by Google Calendar or Outlook. They can be instantly updated, and the new information can be set to automatically sync. It is so easy to seamlessly integrate personal and professional into a harmoniously unified oneness. When a meeting request comes via Outlook to your smartphone, it gets automatically sent to your calendar. As the information can be password protected in most calendar apps, there is little danger of the details of your personal activities falling into the wrong hands.

Our gadgets have taken control of such a large aspect of our personal and professional lives. A random search for calendar in the Android market place gives dozens of results. Many of these calendars are free and they are capable of fulfilling every kind of requirement. The users of Apple products – iPhone, iPad or the Mac systems – have access to a wonderful array of digital calendars, which are easy to access and update. You don’t even need to sit down in front of your PC or laptop to do your calendaring; your handheld device does the needful.

As everything you put on the Calendar app gets backed up online, there is no danger of the information being lost in the unfortunate event of the device getting lost or damaged. The need of some people to keep putting pen to paper is understandable. It is an old habit that just refuses to go away, even though there is ample evidence to suggest that modern technology can do a much better job of scheduling anyone’s appointments.


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